Customer request Hypnotise statue

1 month ago


1.A small town has a few shops.
A small population in the town.
A statue artist lives there.
Creating work of art statues.
Designs of people and objects.
Which is more perfect.

Customer request hypnotise statue.
Customer want a gem statue.
With help of statue artist.
That hypnotise peoples attention.
Chorus lead1
Most weirdest thing ever done.
Chorus lead2

2.People make orders for statues.
People send pictures of what they want.
People send description of what they want.
But one customer came in.
Send an impossible design.
A challenge for statue artist.

Customer request hypnotise statue.
Customer want a gem statue.
With help of statue artist.
That hypnotise peoples attention.
Chorus lead1
Most weirdest thing ever done.
Chorus lead2

3.Customer gave statue artist.
Some weird electronic like gems.
Statue never seen before.
Statue artist started creating statue.
Took days to finish it off.
Now it's finally done.

Customer request hypnotise statue.
Customer want a gem statue.
With help of statue artist.
That hypnotise peoples attention.
Chorus lead1
Most weirdest thing ever done.
Chorus lead2

4.Customer came to see.
Masterpiece of a statue.
With electronic gems.
Allover the statue.
Statue artist was stun.
Customer had a remote control.
Customer request hypnotise statue.
Customer want a gem statue.
With help of statue artist.
That hypnotise peoples attention.
Chorus lead1
Most weirdest thing ever done.
Chorus lead2

5.Customer push the button.
Electronic gems lit up.
People of small town came.
Hypnotise towards the statue.
Couldn't take their eyes of it.
Statue maker and customer.
Where also hypnotise.
Statue got the attention.

Customer request hypnotise statue.
Customer want a gem statue.
With help of statue artist.
That hypnotise peoples attention.
Chorus lead1
Most weirdest thing ever done.
Chorus lead2

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