中共官员 可以向英国政府施压、要求从英国教科书中删除台湾 #蓝金黄

6 months ago


A report claims Chinese officials pressured the removal of Taiwan from UK textbooks, highlighting concerns about British officials yielding to China. There's also criticism over using Chinese-made military uniforms. China and its allies are seen as a significant threat, requiring strong governmental response.
#ccpthreat #taiwan #education #ccpmoneyinfluence #ccpagent #ccpelitecapture #bgy #evilaxis

#中共威胁 #台湾 #教育 #中共金钱影响 #中共收买精英 #中共渗透 #蓝金黄 #中共代理人 #邪恶轴心

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