Astrology for the Soul September 4, 2024

5 months ago

My thoughts are like snacks and meals, 
That I prepare to feed my soul. 
They can make me healthy, wealthy and wise, 
Or sick and tired and cold. 

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🧿 Only a few spots left for Greece:

Welcome to Virgo time! It's time to integrate, discriminate, ruminate, and not be late! LOL! Today's report is packed because the heavens are packed with messages for everyone from everywhere! These bodies of ours are such miracles! They are so interwoven and interdependent that it's amazing. If you fall out of balance in one body (in kundalini yoga, there are 10 bodies), there are reverberations in the others.

Likewise, when you focus on healing (bringing into alignment) one of them, be it spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical, that healing will also spread to the others. The healing process brings so much growth, awareness, compassion, forgiveness, mindfulness, etc., that it is no wonder life itself is a healing process, as it is how we evolve!

And let's not forget about each other! We not only heal ourselves but can help to heal others, whether loved ones or strangers. Particularly now, with the conference happening in Libra, it's time to heal deep, emotionally traumatic wounds from the past so we can go forward to build deeper, more intimate, and fulfilling relationships. The future is wide open!

If you're ready for some deep healing, contact Phil here: ⁠

Our song for this week blends Cancer and Libra! ⁠⁠ 

So Much Love,

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