Dolton Trustee meeting cancelled, Supermayor holds meeting anyway - appoints new positions

6 months ago

Tensions rose once again in the Village of Dolton as Mayor Tiffany Henyard proceeded with a meeting that trustees postponed, sparking yet another clash between the mayor and the Village Board.

The controversy stems from the trustees' decision to reschedule Tuesday’s regular board meeting – postponing it until Thursday, September 12. A spokesperson for the village trustees said the change was necessary to address "several urgent matters," including finalizing the village budget, establishing a new bank account, and hiring a new auditor.

Henyard’s attorney, however, shared the meeting would still go on as originally scheduled.

Despite only two trustees being present on Tuesday night – Andrew Holmes and Stanley Brown – Henyard decided to hold court.

"As you can see, the Board of Trustees decided not to show up, nor did the clerk," Henyard said Tuesday evening.

Much of the meeting featured a monologue by the mayor who says there is a smear campaign against her.

"What I would like to say, mayor and us six trustees, we need to get it together," said Trustee Stanley Brown.

With no quorum, Henyard announced nothing would be voted on; still, she gave department heads the opportunity to offer updates. Henyard – who has dubbed herself ‘Super Mayor’ – took the floor.

About 20 residents were in attendance.

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