Live this Day, as if it were your last One on Earth ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

5 months ago

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Live this Day, as if it were your last One on Earth

May 15, 2017 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “The gift of music is truly misunderstood. When you come to Heaven, you will experience the harmony of life in sound vibrations that are intertwined into a masterpiece of worship to Me.

“All creation sings to Me, and each expression of love and gratitude is pleasing to Me, whether it be a frog croaking or a bird singing. As it is written in Isaiah 44:23… Sing, O heavens, for the LORD shall do it! Shout, oh depths of the earth. Break forth into singing, oh mountains, forest, and every tree in it. For the Lord shall redeem Jacob and make Himself clear in Israel.

“Although much of these sounds are inaudible to you on Earth, they do exist and they are beautiful to Me. My People, everything you do for Me is an act of worship and brings Me joy. For this, you were created, that I might walk in the cool of the evening in the Garden in sweet communication.

“Adam was full of spontaneous worship when I brought each new creature to him for naming. He was overcome with gratitude for the wonder of each one and it’s remarkably unique attributes. He had an unending dialogue with Me in his heart as he explored the wonders of the Garden, the pleasures of water, the delightful fruits I gave for him to eat fresh from the vine. The Garden, too, hummed with unspeakable gratitude as everything in it was in perfect balance and harmony, expressing gratitude for being created.

“It was when sin entered in that all of that changed. But I still longed to hear the gratitude that was once expressed over the spontaneous provision that was eternally theirs. We shall return to that state when I come to rule the Earth. There will be pockets of Eden protected from those who deliberately choose their own way over Mine.

“But all of you, from the least to the greatest, have untapped treasures of expression in your being. All of you can sing to Me from your heart; all of you can go about doing good to others, from your hearts. All of you can take delight in creating and exercising your gifts, and I share in that with you. Whether you work with teams in administration, or you are singing in a choir, or paint edifying images of Me and My creation, or work in the undiscovered realms of science. Your minds are a creative gift to you and when you use them I am glorified, especially when it is to do good.

“Perhaps you are a carpenter, taking joy in the angles and finish of the wood, and how each piece complements and fits together with the others.

“Perhaps you are a mechanic, wondering at the very concepts of physics that make a car run with such ingenuity.

“Or a baker taking delight in a perfect loaf of bread fresh from the oven.

“Or you may be a nurse or a doctor who continually wonders at the complexity of the body.

“Perhaps you drive a bus and feel good about your work when you let others go ahead of you in traffic, or when you make a precision stop to help an elderly woman aboard.

“There is room for creativity and joy in every walk of life. It is up to you to change your focus from the humdrum, mundane viewpoint of life to a fresh, new one of excitement… ‘What can I do for You today, Jesus? How can I let Your face shine out of My life?’

“Do you know that your attitude in a service job can actually stop a suicide from happening? Why? Because you can make a soul feel loved when you go out of your way for them. Today may be the day they were planning to take their life, but you gave them hope that their life does matter by the simple act of going out of your way to help them. That one, little, insignificant act can change a man’s destiny, simply because they recognized hope living in you.

“All of you are asking… ‘What can I do?’ The answer is simple… Live this day as if it were your very last day on Earth to show love. My love for mankind. With this attitude of heart, you will save many souls.

“This is why the enemy tries to ruin the atmosphere at your work place. He wants a sour, dour expression on your face that will intimidate and discourage your customers. And he hits you hardest when you are closest to making a difference in someone’s life.

“Keep an eye on that, My People. When you get hit with something discouraging, look around and ask yourself… ‘Who is Satan trying to keep me from ministering to?’ Truly I tell you, he deliberately plans these attacks to take you out of commission just when I need you the most to be fully there.

“Those who are faithful with the little opportunities will be given greater ones. Greater and greater and greater opportunities to exercise wonderful gifts on My behalf. Be faithful with the little things and I will inspire you to embrace the greater, fully clothed and equipped with My grace to not only succeed, but to excel.”

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