Mew Mint VS Super Shredder [Old Sprite Animation Parody from 2010 Reupload]

5 months ago

Mew Mint VS Super Shredder [Old Sprite Animation Parody from 2010 Reupload]

So last night,I was browsing through some of my Old Folders on my Desktop,and WOW,talk about nostalgia right here!

I didn't know I still had this old SPrite ANimation Parody I made years ago! I forgot all about this.XD

Had alot of Fun making this one,which this Was a Sprite Animation One on One Match between Mew Mint from TOkyo Mew Mew,and the Super SHredder Sprite from Teenage Mutant Ninja TUrtles iV: Turtles in Time (SNES Version),and the Tokyo Mew Mew Sprites are from the Tokyo Mew Mew Playstation 1 RPG:

Also,keep in mind though,when I originally made this Sprite Animation Parody back in 2010,I was very limited to what I had Back than,which back than,I had to rip the Tokyo Mew Mew Sprites Myself,which was no Easy task to

But now adays,in the Modern Day age of the Internet,you can now find the Playstation 1 Tokyo Mew Mew Sprites Very easy on "Sprites Resource"

Also,the Background that Mew Mint and Super Shredder on fighting on,is the Rooftop Stage from "Rushing Beat Ran" (Brawl Brothers)!

old Shred head is about to get a Taste of Mew Mint's Arrows Straight into the Garbage Dump!!!

Oh and BTW,speaking of Sprites,some really cool looking sprites of "Strawberry SHortCake" from one of those GBA Strawberry Shortcake games!

also came across these by total Random

They remind me alot of the Papergirl Sprites From Paperboy 2!

anyways,enjoy this Classic legendary Oldie from

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