Bible Questions PLUS: Should I practice Yoga?

24 days ago

Pastor Mike Online 8-13-24 Bible Questions and Should I Practice Yoga? Pastor gives more historical details of how we came to have the King James Bible, Wycliff, Geneva Bilbe, Tyndale. What is the Septuagint-why was the Hebrew Bible translated into the Greek language 300 years before Christ? The RCC persecuted people who had the Bible in English. Are there discrepancies or errors in our Bible? Jumping over to the question of should Christians practice Yoga? Yoga means yoked--to the Hindu god, Brahma. Tim LaHaye's book on the 4 types of personalities and which types are receptive to the Gospel. Integrated Healing book, Earth, Air, Fire, Water + Ether. 1st John 5:7, why it should be in your Bible.

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