Ordering in perfect minionese - best Northernlion clips from August 2024

5 months ago


0:00 Justin's mating ritual "freaky ass bird"
0:21 Bracken's here
0:48 Um excuse me? Quarter circle on WASD?
1:00 Northernlion's favorite game: Gollum
1:07 Bepin OH
1:17 Please play cerebral content, disco elysium
1:49 Elaine: "He slunk into my dms, Jerry"
2:48 Steely Dan KK Slider Karoake
3:07 Mental librarian - "C'mon bro, repercussions for your lackadaisical behavior"
3:36 Saving Private Ryan - Lethal company, but sorry I farted
4:10 What's that noise? That's the maneater
4:24 First pitch, three bowl burst outside he swings, second pitch chain lightning
4:40 I didn't know they were drinking dark beers over in Chile
4:55 Magic the gathering greybeard nerds and the reprint of the swords to plowshares card
5:10 White boy orders in perfect minionese
5:34 Nice that the balatro developer isn't pulling the ladder up, he's letting four other worse games like Among Us to piggyback on the success of balatro.
6:06 when the measuring tape snaps back and cuts the tip of your p** off
6:25 license to make toast on the toaster political spectrum
7:09 that might be the truest shit you ever said
7:29 close the hood jim, can you please? ow!

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