An Open Letter to Doug Ford

5 months ago


I sent the following audio excerpt from The Velvet Buzzsaw Chapter Four to the Premier’s office today with the accompanying message. To be honest, I don’t expect to get a meaningful response to this. Of course, if we lived in something resembling a functional democracy, I would get a meaningful response. But we don’t live in anything resembling a functional democracy. We live in a Corporate Totalitarian Technocratic Fascist Dystopia.

I don’t say that to be dramatic. I say that to be mathematically precise.


Dear Doug Ford and Ivana Yelich,

This is Stuart Andrews, host of Cinephobia Radio. Once upon a time, Cinephobia was a radio show on CKLN 88.1 FM in Toronto but has recently resurfaced as an online podcast.

Back during the Total Eclipse of the Sun in April, the Niagara Region declared a state of emergency, the kids were kept home from school and even the hiking trails were shut down. It seems this is now our go-to reaction any time an event surfaces that the Ontario government doesn’t know how to properly handle.

It all reminds me of measures taken during the CoronaPanic, measures that were a complete disaster, measures that have since been revealed for what primary violations of public health principles (and civil liberties) they actually were.

In light of this, it occurs to me that we haven’t conducted a sincere post-mortem on how the Ontario government reacted during covid. There’s been no admission of an over-reaction or an apology for any of the more regressive, counter-productive measures taken.

So I’m writing today to see if it’s possible to talk to a public health spokesperson, one who is sufficiently informed on the science used to drive the measures and someone who can handle specific detailed questions regarding the justification for these measures and how the recommendations were formulated.

I think the people of Ontario would love to hear this discussion. I am considerably informed on the situation in general (I would say more comprehensively than most of the journalists who wrote on the subject in mainstream publications) and can quote literature specifically on the lack of quality evidence regarding mask efficacy, how the injections were never designed to stop transmission or infection (thus rendering the mandates meaningless) and how lockdowns caused more harm than any perceived benefit.

If the spokesperson who’s qualified to discuss these matters with members of the media has access to contradictory pieces of published research that vindicate the government’s positions during covid, then I am completely willing and open to contemplating the material and having a constructive debate. I try as best as I can to accept the data and evidence regardless of my predisposed assumptions, and I’ve often openly criticized studies that run counter to the corporate media / government messaging on the various Corona measures, including material that is critical of the injections themselves. So what I’m saying is, I am open to changing my positions if the evidence warrants it.

Anyway, I think many people in Ontario have lost faith in the government’s ability to handle a crisis of this magnitude. I’ve seen many groups online openly declaring this, so I think a facts-based intelligent discussion with someone in the government who’s able to handle detailed questions would be extremely beneficial to restoring faith in the democratic process. Do you agree with this?

If there’s no-one in the Ontario government who’s capable of fielding detailed scientific questions on the CoronaPanic, then I suppose that’s symptomatic of a much deeper problem and would go a long way to justify the aforementioned lack of confidence on behalf of the general public.

For your reference, today I published an audio except from one of my recent radio programs. This is an open letter to Doug Ford and the Premier’s office. Please take a moment to listen to it.

Thank you for taking the time to review my request and I hope to hear back from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Stuart F. Andrews
Cinephobia Radio

This excerpt was taken from Cinephobia Radio #034

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