Mentioned You In Power To Triumph || GOD IS A FINISHER || September 4, 2024

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Sunny Adeniyi Ministries Presents Power To Triumph - Streamed Live on September 4, 2024

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Word 1
* Gen 5:28-32 The most important thing Lamech is remembered for is his descendant Noah. The name Noah is the only one that is commented upon by the narrator in this chapter. It is a form of the word meaning “to rest” and is associated with comfort. Noah’s name refers to a reversal of the curse. It should seem that Japheth was the eldest, (Gen_10:21,) but Shem is put first, because on him was the covenant, as it appears in Gen_9:26, where God is called the Lord God of Shem. To him, it is probable, the birthright was given, and from him it is certain both Christ the head, and the church the body, were to descend; therefore he is called Shem, which signifies a name, because in his posterity the name of God should always remain, till He should come out of his loins, whose name is above every name; so that in putting Shem first, Christ was in effect put first, who in all things must have the pre-eminence.

Word 2
* Gen 6:1-4 With the increase of the wicked people sin also increased. Evil takes on such horrible forms that “the daughters of men” connect themselves with “the sons of God”. The sons of God mentioned here are fallen angels “who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode” (Jud_1:6) and have taken on a human form. The results are also there. It produced “Nephilim” or “giants”, “mighty men”, “men of renown”, impressive appearances. That the judgment dis not come directly, man saw as a reason to continue sinning (Ecc_8:11). But God’s judgment does not slumber. God’s patience comes to an end. His Spirit does not endlessly try to convince people of their sins and to persuade them to repent. He waits till an due season.

Word 3
* Gen 6:5-8 The LORD always has a reason for everything He does. He never does anything without cause. He does not always make known the reason for His actions, but sometimes He does, as here. Nothing is left of His good work on earth. Any hope of improvement has vanished. If He now looks at the earth, there is pain in his heart, wondering if this was the man whom He created so well. The great wickedness of the people was not only evident from the heinous sin of intermingling their daughters with fallen angels, but was also evident from the lives of the decent people. When the LORD saw this, He was sorry, or He repented, that he made man. Finally, He could no longer postpone judgment. This was evident here with Noah, although He still gave man a certain time to repent. He used the preaching of Noah, who was called “a preacher of righteousness” (2Pe_2:5).

Personal Supplication
Father, may I always find favour with You. Help me pay the price for favour, walking in the light of Your Word IJMN. Prov 12:2 TPT
2 If your heart is right, favor flows from the Lord, but a devious heart invites his condemnation.

Daily Covenant Favor Declaration
I decree in the name of Jesus, from this moment forward, I see myself the way God sees me. I am highly favoured of the Lord. I am crowned with glory and honour. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I am reigning as a king in life through the one man Jesus Christ


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