Virgo New Moon Sep 2 ’24 Astrology and Frequencies #astrology #highvibe #frequencies

5 months ago
101 This Virgo New Moon occupies the 5th house, along with its traditional ruler Mercury, and Mercury receives support from Virgo’s modern ruler Chiron in the 12th. In the USA’s chart, this lunar phase occurs in the 9th house, beginning a new cycle of conscious discernment, receiving and digesting only that which nourishes, and tossing out the trash. This new moon also opposes Saturn and the USA’s Sedna in Pisces, signifying a dialog between the established and entrenched medical industry (Pisces/Big Pharma) and the need to exercise personal discernment when it comes to our own health and wellbeing.

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Planetary Frequencies: 16:47

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Planetary Frequencies:
Sun/New Moon/Mercury (ancient ruler for the Virgo New Moon)
Sun/New Moon/Chiron (modern ruler for the Virgo New Moon)
Sun/New Moon/ASC (Venus) for trine
Sun/New Moon/Saturn opposition
Sun/New Moon/USA Sedna opposition
Mercury/Chiron for trine
Venus/Pluto/Sedna grand trine
Mars/Neptune/Pluto for square/quincunx
Jupiter/USA Neptune/USA Sedna t-square
Jupiter/Saturn/USA Sedna square
NN (Mars)/SN (Venus)/Neptune conj/opposition
Uranus/Sedna/Pluto for trine

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