Psalm 47: 5 6 Tune: Warrington

5 months ago

Sing Psalms
Short Psalm 47: 5-6
"God has gone up with shouts of joy, The LORD amid the trumpets’ sound."
tune: Warrington
image: David bringing ark into Jerusalem.
2 Samuel 6 & 1 Chronicles chapters 13-16
The image is only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; it is not intended as a one-to-one correspondence.
This psalm and Psalm 105 are the only two, I think, which mention Abraham directly.
Source: CC0 1.0 Universal:


1 All nations, clap your hands and shout!
Let joyful cries to God ring out!
2 How awesome is the LORD Most High,
Great King who rules the earth throughout!

3 He has subdued beneath our feet
The nations who had been our foes.
4 In blessing Jacob, whom he loved,
A heritage for us he chose.

5 God has gone up with shouts of joy,
The LORD amid the trumpets’ sound.
6 Sing praise, sing praise to God Most High;
To God our King let praise abound.

7 For God is King of all the earth;
Sing psalms of praise to him alone.
8 God rules the nations from on high;
He sits upon his holy throne.

9 The leaders of the nations come
To yield themselves to Abr’ham’s God.
To him belong the shields of earth;
Exalted greatly is the LORD!

#psalms #psalm47 #bible #dailyverse #singpsalms

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