Rings of Power season 2: They did it

6 months ago

Amazon has done it again. It's time for more Rings of Power! Comedian and writer Michael Loftus of The Loftus Party website has his review of season 2!
Let's find out what happened in the first 2 episodes of Rings of Power season 2. They did it! It's the return of the stupid! We'll break it all down for you and it won't be hard as it's stupid! We will laugh though. We have to do that. And remember: If you like the lord of the rings, this show isn't that! If you're a Tolkien fan? This show isn't for you. Why? The stupidity. But let's check in with Sauron, Galadriel and the rest of gang to see what's happening in the latest season of the most expensive tv in history! The Rings of Power season 2. Here's our review. Is rings of power stupid? You bet it is. The levels of stupid shocked this TV writer! But hat's off to Amazon. Rings of Power season 2. You did it! It's worse!
#funny #ringsofpower #lordoftherings
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