Happy Hour with Dr.T - The Book of Enoch: History, Culture, & Prophecy Pt 1 with Dr. Judd Burton

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This 4-part series will cover the history, content, and supernatural import of 1,2, and 3 Enoch, a compilation of apocryphal works centered around the antediluvian patriarch Enoch. Included in the discussion will be the history of the community that produced Enoch, the Essenes, the cultural background, a brief summary of scholarship, the description of the Watchers and Nephilim, the account for the origin of demons and the monsters that proliferate world lore, Biblical relevance, and prophetic implications.

Episode 1: Introduction to The Book of Enoch, a historical background, content, and Dr. Burton’s personal intersection with the Book of Enoch. We will begin discussion of 1 Enoch,
which contains accounts of the fallen angels, Nephilim,demons, chimerae, the flood, the judgment of reprobates, and broader cosmological issues.

About the Author:
Dr. Judd H. Burton is a historian and anthropologist. He has a Ph.D. in history and an MA in Anthropology. He has taught college level anthropology, history, humanities, and religion for 25 years and has conducted research and expeditions around the world. Burton is the Director and Senior Fellow of the Institute of Biblical Anthropology and author of such books as Interview With the Giant and Paneas.

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