Polling For President in 2024; Fact or Fiction? | The Rob Maness Show EP 402

5 months ago

Last week, Fox News released the data you just saw on the presidential race in four states: Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina. Their results indicate a shift in favor of the Democrats since Vice President Kamala Harris became the Democratic nominee which seems just a bit outside the lines. Of course, the Trump campaign rightly blasted the network saying it has gotten polls wrong in the past. What are the real numbers? All polling is simply a snapshot in time but more than that everything depends on the so-called universe a pollster uses whether they are reliable and accurate or not. I‘ve been very public that I only closely follow and trust two to three polling companies because I’ve seen some really atrocious gamesmanship among a lot of well-known pollsters like the ones Fox News uses and my trusted pollsters are not showing what you just saw from Brett Bair. One of those I trust, and follow is Rasmussen Reports for three reasons, one, their past reliability and accuracy is a proven time and time again, two they don’t game their polling universe, and you can tell because many times their results aren’t to my liking as a Trump supporter, and three, they don’t hide their crosstabs. For these reasons I’ve asked the Head Pollster at Rasmussen Mark Mitchell to come on for this training Tuesday as the timing, just after Labor Day, is perfect to get a real sense of where the 2024 races are, at what many believe is the starting gate for November!

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