America lukewarm fake churches do not care about the rapture

6 months ago

America church system today is all about me and look at our church, they are not like the early believers in Acts who gave everything they had and helped the widows, the hungry, the homeless and preached the Gospel, nope America churches do not want to offend anyone at all and do not want to loose money or church members, they say the same things all the time like how good everything is, not, people are losing their jobs, war is on the horizon, evil is far worse now, Harris wants to be president, Bible is being banned everywhere, illegals are coming into America like a virus, the vaccine is back, the tribulation period is about to start and Jesus will grab His bride before the great tribulation starts, get out of these dead churches now!! God is not inside them and Jesus sat with people outside of the religious Jewish crowd who wanted nothing to do with Jesus at all, Jesus was born in a stable not a palace and knows how we feel when a job let's you go because you are not like the world and they hate it, the rapture is about to happen

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