Ephesians 4:4-6 “Sevenfold Unity Part One” 8/18/2024

5 months ago

We spoke last week about unity, and we said it was the unity of the spirit.
In our text today, Paul is writing about the unity of the body.
There is a sevenfold unity of the body of Christ.
What we will examine this week and next, Lord willing, is what unites us as a body of believers in Christ.
I make the distinction “believers in Christ” because not everyone who attends church on Sunday is a believer.
We will look at that in detail in a minute.
Paul lists seven things that unite us…seven truths that are not open for discussion or debate.
You either agree with all seven, or you don’t.
But here’s the thing…or, as Paul would say, the thing is, is, if you only agree with some of Paul's seven unifying truths, we aren’t unified; we are divided.
These seven truths are crucial to our faith, so if you deny even one of them, you have separated yourself from the body of believers in Christ.
So, let's dig into God’s Word and examine the seven things that unify us as a body of believers in Christ.

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