Kash Patel Reveals How States Are Rigging Elections Using Illegal Immigrants!

16 days ago

Kash Patel emphasizes the Democrats’ deliberate manipulation of the American electoral system through illegal immigration. He explains that states are providing housing and IDs to illegal immigrants, enabling them to vote and influence outcomes in key swing states.

“… that’s what people don’t realize. It’s not the federal government that controls federal elections. It’s a state government. Every state applies its own laws. In my home state of Nevada, there’s no voter ID.

I went to vote and I broke out my ID and they go, we don’t need that. I’m like, how do you know it’s me? Also, not to mention the fact that you sent me two mail in ballots, and so you I could vote three times and the system is not secure, and say you have 5% of the illegals and say, let’s use a conservative number of 10 million right, 500,000 people. The last two elections were decided by 54,000 votes in four states.”

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