Stalker episodes

3 months ago

In this video, i'm only asking if there's other individuals doing what this one is doing out there on social media that you know of?

In my mind, she cannot be the only one. If she is that's extremely impressive.

I hope that you enjoy my Stalker Episodes.
They are not really posted for entertainment. They are posted for awareness. Please spread the awareness so that others do not fall victim to individuals like this.

I know 1 day they'll be a resolve on this situation. But for now, we're still trying to figure that out.

We've already showed you how she threatens, doc, Steals money from go fund me, Uses other people's identities on social media, And much more.

Yes, this woman covered a lot of subjects.
No, now you know what her channel is. Please do not go over there to help support her stalking behavior by helping her with views. Thank you 💯

If you decide, you're gonna continue helping her with views. Because you're curious you have became the problem. And what I mean? Is the reason why she will continue is because of support like that

Here's hoping y'all stay safe tread lightly.

Please comment after every episode thanks.

These videos will not be staying up long. They will be going private eventually.

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