PrayU |The Rosary (No Music or Mysteries)

4 months ago

0:00 Opening Prayers
2:02 Decade I
4:56 Decade II
7:43 Decade III
10:27 Decade IV
13:18 Decade V
16:07 Closing Prayers

1) Luke 1:28-35, 38 The Annunciation - The angel Gabriel announces the Incarnation to Mary.
2) Luke 1:39-45 The Visitation - Mary visits Elizabeth in her time of need.
3) Luke 2:6-12 The Nativity - Jesus is born in Bethlehem.
4) Luke 2:25-32 The Presentation - Mary and Joseph present Jesus in the Temple.
5) Luke 2:41-4 The Finding in the Temple – Mary and Joseph find Jesus in the Temple.

1. Luke 22:39-46 The Agony in the Garden – Jesus prays in Gethsemane on the night before His death.
2. Mark 15:6-15 The Scourging at the Pillar – Christ is scourged by the soldiers at Pilate’s command.
3. John 19:1-8 The Crowning with Thorns – Soldiers weave a crown of thorns and shove it in to Christ’s head.
4. John 19:16-22 The Carrying of the Cross – Jesus struggles up Calvary with His own cross on His shoulders.
5. John 19:25-30 The Crucifixion – Jesus is nailed to the cross and dies.

1. Matthew 28:1-8 The Resurrection – Jesus rises from the dead on the third day after his Crucifixion.
2. Acts 1:8-11 The Ascension – Forty days after rising from the dead, Christ ascends into Heaven.
3. Acts 2:1-6, 38-41 The Descent of the Holy Spirit on Mary and the Apostles.
4. Revelation 12:1-3, 13-18 The Assumption – At the end of her life, Mary is taken body and soul into Heaven.
5. Revelation 12:1-5 The Coronation – Mary is crowned Queen of Heaven and earth.

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