Dr. Boyd Haley interview on the dangers of Mercury

5 months ago

Dr. Boyd Haley, world renowned expert on Mercury discusses the harmful impacts from Mercury poisoning through food, silver tooth fillings (Amalgams) and Vaccines...

Patrick Dillon with https://team3health.com/ is honored to share this in-depth, personal interview with world-renowned mercury and Alzheimer's expert Boyd Haley, PhD, retired professor and biochemist.

Dr. Haley shares his over two decades of research funded by the NIH with Alzheimer's and how he discovered that mercury toxicity can be a factor in this debilitating disease along with many others.
He explains:
- the detrimental effects mercury has on our brain and other organs from sources such as methyl mercury from fish, dental Amalgams (silver fillings) and other sources...
- his compound Emeramide, also known as NBMI/OSR has FDA and European Orphan Drug Status and is currently under FDA clinical study review. Dr. Haley discusses the benefits and potential side effects along with clinical studies showing the efficacy and potential use of Emeramide
- the different heavy metal chelators available and their potential side effects
- personal challenges going through FDA clinical trails.

Patrick shares his ongoing personal journey with mercury toxicity and compares existing mercury protocols along with his passion to help others with this potentially debilitating condition.

Chapters: (note timeline may be a little off due to length of video changed after being converted from Youtube.)
00:00 - Dr. Haley's work on Alzheimer's and mercury connection
10:28 - Patrick Dillon's Mercury testimony
15:46 - Dr. Haley explaining Mercury Amalgam
22:19 - Dr. Haley, mechanics of blood brain barrier
23:31 - Patrick's hair sample heavy metals
28:48 - Rat study Emeramide reducing free iron oxidative stress in brain
20:08 - Video clip Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART)
31:53 - Slide SMART dentist protocol
33:34 - Detox pathways - MTHFR, other factors
34:51 - Dr. Haley - issues with approved chelators, benefit of NBMI
43:14 - Patrick's take on Dr. Andy Cutlers Protocol for Mercury Chelation
48:03 - How long does Emeramide (NBMI/OSR) stay in body (see links below)
56:54 - Video clip showing Mechanics behind Emeramide (NBMI)
57:09 - Dr. Haley's take on counterfeit/copy Emeramide (NBMI)
1:00:02 - FDA and EU Orphan Drug Status Approval - Emeramide (NBMI)
1:00:52 - Human Clinical trials existing and ongoing Emeramide (NBMI)
1:06:40 - Potential issue with Sulfite using Emeramide (NBMI)
1:09:23 - What is the chemical composition of Emeramide (NBMI)
1:14:13 - Patricks tribute to Dr. Andy Cutler, Dr. Shade, and Dr. Haley
1:17:40 - Dr. Haley's summary on Emeramide (NBMI)
1:22:07 - Dr. Haley's personal trials and final thoughts

Important internet links talked about in interview:

FDA cites potential risks for use of mercury containing amalgams (silver tooth fillings) to certain high-risk individuals that may be associated with these mercury-containing fillings used to restore the missing structure and surfaces of a decayed tooth:

Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART) -

Detailed analysis of NBMI by Dr. Haley which includes studies to show how long
NBMI stays in body whether bound to mercury or not (Go to 045:59 on timeline)


NBMI Rat Study -

ALA Rat Study -

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