Other Losses (Documentary)

6 months ago

Other Losses - More than 9 million slaughtered by the Jews✡️

And they are repeating this Today💉💀and worse to come.

The horrific Human rights abuses and genocide of Germans long after the war had finished by British Americans and French and allied forces on the order of the Jews Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin. More than 9 million Germans died in the greatest mass slaughter ever known.

An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French & Americans after WWII.

During WWII, Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt agreed to the Morgenthau Plan to destroy Germany after the war. As soon as the fighting stopped in 1945, Poland and Russia annexed eastern Germany creating 16 million starving refugees with British and Russian approval. Prisoners in US and French camps were denied protection due under the Geneva Convention and starved to death. More Germans died of allied action after the war than during the war.

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