Richard D Hall - the magician who tricked his followers into a trap

3 months ago

Richard D Hall claims Manchester Arena victim Hannah Mone's finger might have been cut off trimming her hedge prior to the bomb blast, that Saffie Roussos' parents might have been using the attack to conceal 'an accident' and that other crisis actors were located in A&E departments prior to the blast on May 22, 2017. Incredibly people believe him and he's somehow managed to amass a following who'll defend his baseless claims while applauding his 'irrefutable findings'. These people also buy into Hall's conclusion that nobody was killed that night and there was no bomb.
This has become hugely problematic for the Truther community and has exposed how easily manipulated certain sections are when fed counterintelligence misinformation disguised as investigative journalism.

So conned are Richard D Hall's followers by his trickery, they think it's ok to pick on the victims of the Manchester Arena bombing of May 22, 2017. They've lost all sense of right and wrong and feel justified in mocking the injuries of those caught up in the blast. They've been led to a very dark place and still they dig their heels in, fooling themselves that their behaviour is somehow acceptable because they're 'so awake'.

Substack article:

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