Mars Cafe #32: "Time Warp"

5 months ago

The hour of the dreaded Simulation Experiment seems to be upon us! After this, and forever, may God take pity upon our fractured li'l Maxi-verse!

Original synopsis:

While Sheriff Bill is stranded, once again, in the wasteland, Space-Byron breaks numerous protocols and utilizes enormous, costly resources in order to create an advanced AI Simulation that will allow him to finally understand the complex machinations at play during Cabeza's "Day Zero Tragedy". Saying even one more word would necessitate a massive spoiler alert!

No one will be seated during the segment where the Cydonian kid steals his father's antique KRELB space-rocket! (RIP, Timmy! There sure won't be a Klone variant of you--you silly little imbecile!)

Relive the hateful, fateful Day Zero from a whole new POV!

Hashbrowns: #marscafe #yearsformonths #pulptarot #deathtriangle #serbia #UFO #alien #invasion #conspiracy #attack #redplanet #hijacked #piggyback #mindcontrol #stargate #simulationtheory #loafyvariant #transhumanism #deathray #extremesurvival #quantumcomputing #artificialintelligence #simulationtheory #darwinawards #imbeciletimmy

"Flame" by YEARS FOR MONTHS: Bring an umbrella, in case it rains!

MARS CAFE website: One voucher per customer, please!

Jesus and Santa love you all very much, and equally, with no particular favorites (except for Cousin Stephen, of course)!

Based on the graphic novel “THE MARS CAFE: 300 OF THIS” by Sean Simmans. Available at

THE MARS CAFE is (c) 2005-2024 by Sean Simmans, all rights reserved.

Original score, including INTRO, BILL'S THEME, EMORY'S THEME, and OUTRO written and performed by Kelly Taylor.

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