Maharishikaa | Bangalore! Wake up to Sanatana Dharma and your Dharmic roots!

5 months ago

Dinesh, a young IT professional from Bangalore asks Maharishikaa about what one should do to live a fulfilled life and contribute to society. Maharishikaa masterfully shows Dinesh how Sanatana Dharma and living a Dharmic life - as his ancestors did - leads to a life of surrender, sanity, physical fitness, and health. She shows him how he can be an IT professional without capitulating to the culture of Silicon Valley. Maharishikaa explains how there is a serious threat to future generations of Sanatanis because of the encroachment of founder religions, as well as the ideology of ‘secularism’ which is imported from the West. With immense strength, she shows Dinesh how the youth of India must fight fearlessly to uphold and protect the Dharma.

#Maharishikaa #SantanaDharma #Hindutva

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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