Fowl Territory #252

6 months ago

Fowl Territory - The Gizzard Gary Podcast #252 2/23/2024. Topics discussed included: 3000 subscriber giveaway; New York Jury Says LaPierre Owes NRA Millions, Judge Could Appoint Overseer; Bestselling Author Blasts Fudd Thinking and Anti-Video Game Gun Talk; and, Louisiana Senate Approves Constitutional Carry Bill. Firearm and pro-2A live panel discussion, plus a prize giveaway featuring Aegis Gun Care. Visit their Web site at, and check out their fine line of products - it's what I use and recommend! Panelists were OBNXS1, TheGunSnob, Rich White, Hillbilly Up, Guns N BBQ, and C4 Defense.

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All opinions expressed by guests on this panel are the opinions of that guest only, and do not represent the opinions of Gizzard Gary.

©2024 Gizzard Gary Productions LLC. All rights reserved.
Credit: Gary Decker
Mail: Gizzard Gary Productions LLC, PO Box 101, Burlington, KS 66839-0101

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