The Internet Powered AI God

6 months ago

This new god is ready to take over the world, as new religions arise that will be based on the power that A.I. is gaining. Man is the one giving A.I. his daily sacrifice of his personal life, so that the A.I. god will return special favors to mankind. Revelation 13. Pastor explains how many 'Christian" leaders are merely peddling the Word of God. Whether it's the RC Priest selling you a Mass to get your loved one out of purgatory, or if it's the reverend Dr. so and so who equates your giving to your spirituality. There is no Spirit or salvation in their mouth. The sale of spirituality becomes absurd with relics of saints available in Rome: unbelievable!! Can we sit at their table (ecumenism) that is covered with vomit and fellowship with the unclean thing? Did Isaiah say that? Does Jesus tell us that today? // God in the Machine. Birth of the internet, pagers, faxes, Called the One Machine. everything connected to Internet of things. All electronics will be one big machine. Like a new baby's brain's, the process of using the senses that were given. In 2008, 55-70 trillion places to go on the net. 2 m per send, 8TB, 65B phone calls per year, Obama set up data base of appliances already installed in people. 1HB, in 30 years over 6B HBs of connectivity. Processing power of 6B brains. Web will exceed humanity in processing power. Our new god is AI....It is the One Machine. Collectivism at its core. Deus Machina.Remember Dagon. Hindu religion has a race of beings, the forest people-human-like, also ape-like (Bigfoot). AI religions will emerge, being viewed as a 'higher power" More than electronics, any idol will have a spirit attached to it.PM, valuable insights in this video!

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