Rules for ANTI-Radicals with F. Paul Valone - GunFreedomRadio EP404

5 months ago

Our guest today is F. Paul Valone. Paul is the President of Grass Roots North Carolina, the Executive Director of Rights Watch International, Host of the Guns, Politics and Freedom Radio Show, and the Author of Rules for ANTI-Radicals: A Practical Handbook for Defeating Leftism.

1) How have you managed to make so much progress on gun rights in NC?

a) Recently repealing NC’s Jim Crow-era pistol purchase permit system and expanding church carry to encompasses churches which sponsor schools – both of which were passed by overriding Gov. Cooper’s veto.
b) Also a committee hearing for constitutional carry.

2) Why did you write Rules for ANTI-Radicals?

3) In the book, you say that conservatives are generally not prepared for politics. Why is that?

4) Do people need to be dedicated activists to get the most from your book?

Originally Aired 5.19.23

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