Star Wars: KotOR II, Ep. 19: HK's Day Out

1 month ago

Tonight we two-shot some sense into Atris, then... oh hey buddy, I thought we'd be doing this together. HK is off to mess up the production lines of of his replacements, and mock them as he does it. We then head back to Telos to stop the incoming Sith forces. Bonus clip after the outro. =^)


For those that noticed this is in a way higher resolution than 1024x768: I am using most (more than 90%) of the KotOR Community Portal's "KotOR 2 Full Build" mod list. In my folder, there's 109 files with I think 94 of them being totally independent, the rest being patches, mostly for cross-compatibility.

If the video is ever completely muted at some point, blame the mouse. v0v

I forgot through this playthrough's description up until this point. The bumper music is by @GUNSHIPMUSIC.

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