4 months ago

During this period of national cultural chaos, it is more important than ever to stand up for our religious beliefs and to be tolerant of and respect the faith of others. This simple attitude can help re-unite Americans.

Yet our own state government continually has practiced – or allowed others to practice – alarming levels of religious in-tolerance.

God is not dead. Because there is such massive political upheaval, holding to, or returning to, our spirituality … and delivering a message of hope … is one certain path back towards re-uniting the people of our nation.

After all, the motto of the United States of America is: In God We Trust.

However, conservatives and libertarians have no one to blame but themselves for the cultural and religious decay we are seeing throughout our society.

For decades, other than specially-dedicated single-issue groups, the political Right was discouraged from engaging in most of the more thorny “social issues” that pervaded much of the political discourse. “Focus only on economic and educational issues,” was what conservatives were told.

In essence, the Right ceded the cultural battle-front to the Left … almost completely unopposed … and the Left gladly marched in, seizing the vacated ground with their anti-religious and anti-family propaganda. In the process, winning election after election at all levels of government, based on their uncontested and media-backed narratives, claiming they represented the new moral high ground.

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