Vulcanis: Cosmic Power Unleashed by Eileen Nauman

6 months ago

Uranian Astrology is a little-known branch of Astrology that I utilize in my natal charts and medical charts. There are eight Transneptunian planets. These eight unseen planets are in the 4th dimension, therefore you are not going to see them with your two eyes. However, their ENERGY impacts all of us just as strongly as our known 9 planets and luminaries (the Sun and Moon) do in our solar system. I have used them for 40 years with great success and want to share what I know about them with those interested in Astrology.

Vulcanus is the higher octave of Mars. It is seen as an “Act of God,” and there is no higher authority than that. I have created a slide show presentation to show the various important facets of this amazing planet that you are not going to find anywhere else.

Be sure to download my free handout that accompanies this presentation from my website at:

If you have questions after listening to the video and looking at the handout, please leave me a comment below and I’ll drop by and answer it.

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