Your Tomorrow is not guaranteed! You choose… Heaven or Hell ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

4 months ago

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Your Tomorrow is not guaranteed! You choose… Heaven or Hell

April 11, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “Your heart is My pillow, Clare. I find comfort here. I find caring and focus on what is truly of importance to Me, not the flesh, which matters for nothing, except to sustain the spirit’s temple. Oh Clare, I long to hold all My vessels unto honor close to My heart. I long to hear the pure beating of their hearts. I long for them to be detached from the material things of the world.

“And I am so glad you are going in that direction. Just be vigilant, you have many enemies. But as you can see, I have not allowed them to do tremendous harm. A little here, a little there. Just to keep you on your toes.

“I want My Brides to know that as they wrestle with their flesh in confronting the future events, I am ever so pleased with their decision to stay faithful and committed to My Will for their lives or even their deaths. For death no longer has a sting, not for My holy ones that have given Me their all as I gave them My all.

“Do not be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through now, Beloved Brides. I am yet removing layers of corruption from your souls and your garments. Do not be discouraged with your sins, I knew your weakness before you fell. Did I not allow you to fall to reveal to you how weak you truly are?

“Your beauty is not in what you have accomplished or made yourself, these things in Heaven are but filthy rags from Earth and will not accompany you to testify to your sanctity. If you shed them on Earth and put aside your masks, I will reveal your real beauty. Your outer appearance is merely a corruptible shell that will wither and die. It is the inward beauty of a loving soul dedicated to living for Me and not herself/himself that shines. If you do not have that, you have nothing.

“These are things only I can accomplish in you with your cooperation and willingness to be vulnerable and to see yourself as you are before the citizens of Heaven who are looking in on you all, cheering you on, hoping you will cooperate with grace to become the great beauties I created you to be.

“These times are the times that will separate the wheat from the chaff. Those that are sincere from those who are in it for personal advantage. If you have been alive in Me and you join ranks with others for selfish advantage, your heart becomes darkened and closer to death. Yes, you can look quite alive in your body and be dead inside, compromised to a point near to the death of your soul.

“My Children, I do not judge you on your performance, but your motive, the purity of your heart, the love you put into each action. That is what shall be weighed in the balance when you arrive here.

“Some of you listening to this will come before the Judgment Seat, where all your works, good and bad, will be exposed and your fate for eternity will be determined. To you I say, you are facing choices in this very moment that will determine the rest of your journey, your life path – whether you will live a life of virtue or a life of sin, whether you will serve Me or serve the Devil, whether you will die in virtue or die in sin.

“I am coming back. This is no time to play with fire. This is no time to compromise. Rather this is the time to renounce and repent of your sins and compromises. This is a time to embrace brotherly love, extend a hand of help, live for the good of others, not for your own advantage. This is a critical season. Many of you listening will be facing physical death this year. If you are not right with Me, come, come to My loving arms and though your sins be as scarlet I will wash them white as snow.

“You are not guaranteed life tomorrow. Yet Heaven and Hell lie directly before you. Choose this day who you will serve, and if it is Me, you have only to ask for the strength to break from your sinful past, and I will enfold you in My arms with great compassion and forgiveness. However, if you choose to continue on in your sinful ways, I have warned you, death is at the door and your tomorrow is not guaranteed. Do not sell your souls for a trifle.

“Repent, break with sin, come to Me. I will restore you and rebirth you into life eternal, fully equipped to live a holy life, from the inside out. I am here for you… Come.”

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