6 months ago

America’s pathway to perdition.

We’ve been conditioned, and are still being conditioned, to accept the unacceptable. From the most essential and time-tested truths to that which we wish and ponder, we’re being molded into the ultimate model of decadence and immorality.

As impractical as it might seem, it’s not that difficult to brainwash someone to such an extent that their previously held beliefs and thoughts are completely banished. As obvious as it is, it’s time to admit the fact that you are products of controlled behavioral engineering and design.

Not that long ago homosexuals and other sexual deviants stayed ‘in the closet’, practicing their perversion in private. We, the general population, refused to accept this sort of behaviour as either normal or acceptable. Today, deviants flaunt their immorality and deviance with a flourish of pride, demanding that we accept them as part of the norm. In general, the population accepts their ‘right to be deviant’.

Not that long ago the very thought of homosexuals or other deviants being allowed to adopt children was unthinkable. Today it is common practice and generally accepted by the majority of society.

Not that long ago couples shacking up kept it on the down-low. The shame factor was such that these folks never flaunted their immorality in public. As with homosexuals of the day, they kept their relationships ‘in the closet’ and out of the eyes of the general public. Today the practice of shacking up is so common as to be considered absolutely normal.

Not that long ago interracial marriage was largely frowned upon, especially in the case of blacks and whites marrying. Without concern for the future of any offspring, they shacked up and even married. Their selfishness was largely frowned upon and not at all acceptable to the general public. Today ‘salt & pepper’ couples, while still uncommon, are totally accepted by nearly all of society.

Not that long ago the use of hallucinogenic drugs and substances was frowned upon by both society and the law. Partaking brain-changing drugs was considered a felony, and those doing it were pursued, rehabilitated, and or incarcerated. Driving and working under the influence of such drugs resulted in near epidemic levels of death and destruction. There was a hew and cry from the public to stop this. Today in many states, and the eyes of most Americans, these drugs and their use are considered ‘acceptable’. While still against the law, law enforcement is reluctant to arrest or prosecute such occurrence because they are generally acceptable.

Not that long ago the people objected most strenuously to Socialism and Communism. The very thought of living in a Socialist Republic made people blanch. We all knew the horrors of these ‘religions’ brought only death and destruction. Today a growing public is accepting and many embracing the thought of a Socialist Society in the United States. People have been conditioned with the lies of Communism and have been taught to ignore history, a history that is being rewritten with each generation.
Unaware of many facets of the history of Socialism and Communism, the people are free to embrace the lies and folly of a failed school of behaviour, economics, and government.

Not that long ago the people went to church. The overwhelming majority of Americans attended Sunday services or Temple worship in synagogues. The very Christian roots of our country served to remind the people what a bible believing people can accomplish with faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Today the majority of Americans don’t attend church at all. In fact, the explosive growth of atheism and even devil worship has created a society largely devoid of morals. We live in a godless land of ignorance and evil, and embrace all it’s warped and twisted beliefs.

It was not that long ago that Americans were largely patriotic. Americans’ love of flag and country was something the world looked upon and admired. Even our enemies respected us in that respect. Remembering those who died to secure our freedom, Americans held all elements of patriotism in reverence. Today, Americans don’t even respect our borders, feeling that the whole world is ‘one big family’ as Socialists teach it to be.

I can remember when joining the military was considered a noble deed, and being a professional soldier was a calling, more than just a career or a job. Our military was feared and respected worldwide and the very presence of a highly qualified professional military kept our enemies in check. Today we are parking ships for lack of crews to man them. From the Merchant Marine to the US Navy regulars, we turned people away if they weren’t qualified beyond question. Today our military is falling apart with infusions of wokism and other DEI and politically correct policies. Our soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, coast guard guys, and space force are carefully crafted in their beliefs to fit the model of a ‘new soldier’.

Economically, fiscally, spiritually, legally, governmentally, and sexually we have fallen so far as to be almost irretrievable on all of these fronts. Our nation is so adept as accepting and even supporting and championing its failures as to appear doomed on all fronts.

We need to pray to God, vote for the right people, and spread the word of truth. If we just sit back and mind our own business we are surely doomed.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” … Edmund Burke

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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