It Is Better For People Like Brian Kemp If Kamala Wins

5 months ago

Reagan kept a consistent diary. The Reagan Movie is an amazing movie. Donald Trump is the man for our time. But right after Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan was the man of his time. We needed him during that time but things were different. Today we are in a situation in this country that it is now or never. The country won’t end, you will have an America if Kamala Harris is elected. It will not come back to what we remember or the freedom we expect. Ronald Reagan brought back patriotism and the American dream. Most people don’t want to believe there is a deep state.
It is better for people like Brian Kemp if Kamala wins. Georgia should not have the hot button issues with the state election board. Everything should have been cleared for the state of Georgia because republicans hold the power in the state. We have had 3 years to have everything legally settled and our rules to be settled. Republicans hold every constitutional office in the state of Georgia. Georgia is a stunt state. Why do we have stunts at our Capital in the state of GA.
WE are conservative republicans and we don’t believe in more taxes and more government. We’ve got it all but we don’t have anything. We shouldn’t be talking about a boy going into the girls locker room. It should be all cleared up.
Why is GA in play? We should have zero in the way. We should be the model conservative state in the country.
There is nothing new about the illegals terrorizing the people in the apartment complexes. They all know it. And it is all just stunts.
We built enormous transportation yards. We aren’t teaching math and reading. They are worried about the mental health or your kids.

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