4 months ago

I'm very happy that we connected..... My Intel and sources have always been spot on... We would like you to give our team a chance and join the platform. We meet virtually once a week ..

We have political influencers or candidates weekly and the team can interact with a Q&A session. The most important part of the meeting is our Intel sharing. We have industry experts in beef, farming, aerospace & defense, real estate, automotive, supply chain and many more... Are you open to joining us virtually?

We stood up a PAC that connects with all of America. There are so many unheard Americans when it relates to politics. Those who believe in America First policies and common sense.

✅ Christian Pillar - ultimate reason America is what it is today, God was pushed out of our lives, we are working on solutions to this, monthly webinars, weekly prayer, and integration with other religious leaders
✅ corruption pillar - Referees to the political system. Receipts, facts, and will call out politicians by name! Lawsuits and more. (Have a leader for this but will need someone in every state)
✅ Issue advocacy - local level bug tracking system - integrates with state leader and corruption state leader (working with Naomi wolfs org - no one doing this yet)
✅ Education - Educating members how to become a RAF candidate, RAF volunteer, RAF leader
✅ Services: Taxes, Real Estate, Finances, Small Business coaching, marketing, Consulting for candidates
✅ Annual event - We are trying to have an annual event (RAF25)
✅ Store and merchandise

Ever heard of Steve Bannon? Dr. Robert Malone? Dr. Peter McCullough? Naomi Wolf? Lara Logan? Any of these names sound familiar?

RedAmericaFirst is an organization that started for the UNHEARD AMERICAN! Our National #TOWNHALL is weekly, where Americans can engage with Leaders and/or Influencers of #TRUTH. As you know, 2024 and beyond will be a much more controlled message and our platform will challenge the "PROGRAMMED" and "SCRIPTED" information! Each episode will lead with Prayer, then the Pledge of Allegiance, Our National Anthem, then the Guest Speaker introduction. YOU can engage with these leaders as well! Sign-up at

Red America First is an organization dedicated to amplifying the voices of unheard Americans. Through our weekly National Town Hall, we provide a platform for citizens to engage with leaders and influencers who promote transparency and truth.

Recognizing the potential for a more controlled media landscape in 2024 and beyond, Red America First seeks to challenge information that is overly scripted or lacks nuance. Each episode of the National Town Hall will begin with a prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. We will then introduce and interview our guest speaker.

Are you interested? Do you know anyone else that would be interested, please share this message with at least 5 other patriots! We continue to get banned, rejected, or cancelled because of saying trump or God. We would appreciate this message getting out, we hit our 3 year anniversary! Thank you for helping and/or joining us. God bless!

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