KALERGI PLAN: "No one is safe! Americans need to arm themselves now" ICE agents warn | Redacted w Natali & Clayton Morris | With direct link to The Kalergi Plan Full Documentary | Creation Of The EU International Communism BELOW

5 months ago

Our "nation", I.E. US CORPORATION, is being PURPOSELY invaded by massive 'illegal' gangs from other 'countries', I.E. CORPORATIONS and it's happening in American Suburbs... think this isn't coming to a town near you..? Think again. Aurora Colorado is ground zero for the British crown 'Biden Harris' open borders policy.
🎥 Also Watch: The Kalergi Plan Full Documentary | Creation Of The EU International Communism | by Matthew North + Texts The Great Replacement & European union as a road to serfdom: The Alt-Right’s inversion of narratives on European integration

Source of above video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBONJ7oItgg

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