INSANE Bureaucrats MOVE Against Machine Guns?! 6 Years Prison? Wisconsin Full Automatics

5 months ago

Name and jurisdiction of the police chief is deliberately withheld. WIsconsin AAG E.B.

941.26  Machine guns and other weapons; use in certain cases; penalty.
1(g)(a) No person may sell, possess, use or transport any machine gun or other full automatic firearm.
(3) This section does not apply to the sale, possession, modification, use or transportation of any weapons or containers under sub. (1g) or (1m) to or by any armed forces or national guard personnel in the line of duty, any civil enforcement officer of the state or of any city or county. This section does not apply to the sale, possession, modification, use, or transportation of weapons under sub. (1g) (a) or (1m) to or by any person duly authorized by the chief of police of any city or the sheriff of any county. This section does not apply to the restoration of any weapon under sub. (1g) (a) or (1m) by a person having a license to collect firearms as curios or relics issued by the U.S. department of the treasury. The restriction on transportation contained in this section does not apply to common carriers.

Wisconsin Machine Gun Statute, 941.26

How many Machine Guns are Registered in each state

Mirrored from Tom Grieve's YouTube channel

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