The uncomfortable 9/11 Truth

5 months ago

The inimitable Dr Judy Wood, wayshower, educator, author, speaker and guardian of a truth shares with us a brief look at some of the consistent anomalies that were evident in events that made up what has become known as 911. What comes from this interview is as pertinent today, if not more so than in 2012, when it was heed....

She is still pretty much that lone voice speaking about the absolute evidence she has garnered and presented in the paradigm shifting book she penned called simply, 'Where did the towers Go?' Evidence of Directed Free Energy Technology on 911. IF this is new material for you or Dr Wood's work is new, I can only say that you will have an 'awakening' by reading the evidence as presented in her work. She has gone out on a limb to stand her ground and present factors of what really went on at the site of the now demised twin towers.

Andrew Johnson, a long time supporter and the person who introduced me to her perspective was instrumental in arranging the interview, and he is a solid researcher, looking at a swathe of subjects from climate change, to Mars, to 911, the cover up of free energy technology and more. He is a speaker, author and continues his support and work with Dr Wood where he can.

This is a bite sized look at the 911 event - and should leave you with some questions as well as some information that may open a pathway of thinking that is different regarding the msm propagandised offerings.

9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin

Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go?

Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11:

1. 9/11 Finding the Truth -

2. 9/11 Holding the Truth -

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