Couple Who Terrorize Neighbors With Huge, Loud Parties Are Suing Neighbors For Calling Cops On Them

6 months ago

Posted • September 4, 2024: Black couple in a “mostly black neighborhood” claims they are being targeted because they are black rather than for their loud parties and are suing for $3 million in a civil rights lawsuit. Prince and Angela Floyd have had police respond to their home 41 times over three years for noise and parking complaints linked to 11 events. Their neighbors, who are mostly black, argue the complaints are about noise, not race. 'It has nothing to do with them being black,' said Margaret Littlejohn, a black neighbor whose fiance is named in the Floyds' lawsuit. 'It has to do with them not being good neighbors.' Floyd, who appears to have a long criminal history involving everything from driving drunk to battery, said he fears for his life whenever the police show up. 'When they show up and they see a black man talking to them, it is almost like they are ready to be aggressive with me.'

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