Is Hazrat Isa AS Denounces Materialism | کیا حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام نے مادہ پرستی کی مذمت کی

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Is Hazrat Isa (AS) Denounces Materialism?

Dekhti Aankhooon aur sountay kaanoon ko Asslamoalaikum, sisters, brothers friends and elders, This islamic informative video Presented whether Hazrat Isa (AS) denounces materialism in his teachings. Through a careful analysis of his life and messages, we aim to understand the significance of prioritizing spiritual values over material wealth. Watch complete video and get to know how his insights remain relevant in contemporary discussions about consumerism and personal fulfillment.

Jesus was therefore in confrontation with the materialistic people. He told them to desist from hypocrisy, show and false praise. There was no need to hoard wealth in this life. They should not preoccupy themselves with the goods of this passing world; rather they must preoccupy themselves with the affairs of the coming world because it would be everlasting. Jesus told them that caring for this world is a sin, not fit for pious worshippers. The disbeliveers care for it because they do not know a better way. As for the believers, they know that their sustenance is with Allah, so they trust in Him and scorn this world. Jesus continued to invite people to worship the Only Lord, Who is without partner, just as he invited them to purify the heart and soul.
Jewish Priests Try to Embarrass Jesus
His teaching annoyed the priests, for every word of Jesus was a threat to them and their position, exposing their misdeeds. The Roman occupiers had, at first, no intention of being involved in this religious discord of the Jews because it was an internal affair, and they saw that this dispute would distract the Jews from the question of the occupation.
However, the priests started to plot against Jesus. They wanted to embarrass him and to prove that he had come to destroy the Mosaic Law. The Mosaic Law provides that an adulteress be stoned to death. They brought him a Jewish adulteress and asked Jesus: “Does not the law stipulate the stoning of the adulteress?” Jesus answered: “Yes.” They said: “This woman is an adulteress.” Jesus looked at the woman and then at the priests. He knew that they were more sinful than she. They agreed that she should be killed according to Mosaic Law, and they understood that if he was going to apply Mosaic Law, he would be destroying his own rules of forgiveness and mercy.
Jesus understood their plan. He smiled and assented: “Whoever among you is sinless can stone her.” His voice rose in the middle of the Temple, making a new law on adultery, for the sinless to judge sin. There was none eligible; no mortal can judge sin, only Allah the Most Merciful. As Jesus left the temple, the woman followed him. She took out a bottle of perfume from her garments, knelt before his feet and washed them with perfume and tears, and then dried his feet with her hair. Jesus turned to the woman and told her to stand up, adding: “O Lord, forgive her sins.” He let the priests understand that those who call people to Almighty Allah are not executioners. His call was based on mercy for the people, the aim of all divine calls.
Jesus’ Brings the Dead to Life
Jesus continued to pray to Allah for mercy on his people and to teach his people to have mercy on
one another and to believe in Allah. Jesus continued his mission, aided by divine miracles. Some Qur’anic commentators said that Jesus brought four people back from the dead: a friend of his named Al-Azam, an old woman’s son, and a woman’s only daughter. These three had died during his lifetime. When the Jews saw this they said: “You only resurrect those who have died recently; perhaps they only fainted.” They asked him to bring back to life Sam the Ibn Noah.
When he asked them to show him his grave, the people accompanied him there. Jesus invoked Allah the Exalted to bring him back to life and behold, Sam the Ibn Noah came out from the grave gray-haired. Jesus asked: “how did you get gray hair, when there was no aging in your time?” He answered: “O Spirit of Allah, I thought that the Day of Resurrection had come; from the fear of that day my hair turned gray.”
The Miracles of Jesus – Quranic
Allah the Almighty said:
“Remember when Allah will say (on the Day of Resurrection): “O Jesus, son of Mary! Remember My Favor to you and to your mother when I supported you with Ruh-ul-Qudus (Gabriel) so that you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and when I taught you writing, Al Hikmah (the power of understanding), the Torah and the Gospel; and when you made out of the clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My Permission, and you breathed into it, and it became a bird by My Permission, and you healed those born blind, and the lepers by My Permission, and when you brought forth the dead by My Permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from you (when they resolved to kill you) since you came unto them with clear proofs, and the disbeliveers among them said: ‘This is nothing but evident magic.'” And when I (Allah) put in their hearts of the disciples (of Jesus) to believe in Me and My Messenger, they said: “We believe. And bear witness that we are Muslims.” (Ch 5:110-111 Quran)
Jesus’ Abilities and the Disciples – Quranic
Almighty Allah also revealed:
“And He Allah will teach him (Jesus) the Book and Al Hikmah (the Sunna, the faultless speech of the Prophets, wisdom, etc.), (and) the Torah and the Gospel. And will make him (Jesus) a Messenger to the Children of Israel (saying): “I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that I design for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah’s Leave; and I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I bring the dead to life by Allah’s leave. And I inform you of what you eat, and what you store in your houses. Surely, therein is a sign for you, if you believe. And I have come confirming that which was before me of the Torah, and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you, and I have come to you with proof from your Lord. So fear Allah and obey me. Truly! Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him (Alone). This is the Straight Path.” Then when Jesus came to know of their disbelief, he said: “Who will be my helpers in Allah’s Cause?” The disciples said: “We are the helpers of Allah; we believe in Allah, and bear witness
that we are Muslims (we submit to Allah).” Our Lord! We believe in what You have sent down, and we follow the Messenger (Jesus); so write us down among those who bear witness (to the truth, La ilaha ill Allah – none has the right to be worshipped but Allah). And they (disbeliveers) plotted (to kill Jesus), and Allah planned too. And Allah is the Best of the planners. (Ch 3:48-54 Quran)

So sisters brothers friends and elders, tomorow we will be described What is “the law of the Spirit.” and Hazrat Isa (AS). Allah hafiz

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