ambitious & aggressive Kamala launched a vicious assault on Uncle Joe Biden's character

6 months ago

Kamala Overrated-Trump:"DNC Divided House Will Fall"-Nasty Kamala attacks Joe in Raucous Exchange.

NEWS ALERT: From the G-20 Summit in Japan, President Trump humorously tweets his response to Kamala Harris's AMBUSH of Joe Biden in the first Democrat debate. The issue of busing and Biden's past voting record regarding discrimination came into play as as if choreographed and on cue. Frankly, Joe Biden looked old and somewhat surprised at the attack as well as unprepared for her raucous verbal assault which was reminiscent of a good old fashion DOMESTIC DISPUTE. Fact is the woman can shout and holler at the decibel level of a freight train. Yes indeed, ambitious & aggressive Kamala launched a vicious assault on Uncle Joe Biden's character and his policy stances regarding discrimination of blacks (40 years ago) and questioned whether or not he was fit to head the Democrat presidential ticket in 2020. A friendly left wing MSNBC and CNN as well as ABC, PBS & NBC all seem to relish the idea of the former California prosecutor taking on the Donald in 2020. It seemed as if her "BREAK OUT" moment came if you listen to her adoring fans and talking head acolytes on MSNBC?NBC which hosted the Miami debate event. It was a if the MSM Media were all coronating her right out of the gates. Seems the Democrats are fractured and divided from the start which may truly handicap them in their uphill quest to wrest the White House away from a popular Donald Trump who is riding high right now by virtue of a robust economy and jobs & wages growth. SUPPORT INSPONEWS: SUPPORT VIA PAYPAL: Blessings Federico Support InspoNews via PayPal: Join InspoNews Central to get free music & more and become a monthly partner: Thank you to our subs and patrons who make this channel possible. Your friend & fellow patriot, Federico MAGA! SUPPORT INSPONEWS: or via PayPal: CONTACT: To MAIL a donation please make Check payable to: InspoNews Box 183 2575 S HWY 1792 Casselberry Fl. 32707 The President's priorities are brilliant and guided by the Lord above - with Solomonic wisdom - he will defend our country at all costs. Call and support him today. 1-202-456-1111 Call your Congressman and Senator 1-202-224-3121 Call the Dept. of Justice & Bill Barr 1-202-514-2000 1-202-353-1555 Call the President:1-202-456-1111 InspoNews Office Tel: 1-407-961-9480 Subscribe to our channel and don't forget to RING THE BELL God's blessings & liberty to all. Federico Cardella GET THE MUSIC - (Square) Thank you again to our subs and patrons who make this channel possible Federico InspoNews - Bold enough to report the raw TRUTH in this weekly news cast with an exceptionally honest & accurate News- reporting often weeks or months ahead of establishment media key developments.

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