1 month ago

#Andrew is here to tell us the #truth as he works with the elites but they’ve made him put up such a bad image that people won’t take him seriously when he’s actually telling you full #facts like he has been on these topics.
They tell you the truth so they don’t receive #karma as they know karma as a #universal law, they’ve made Andrew the idiot that tells the truth so people are quick to not take him seriously but that’s what they want. They want #controversy where this man looks like such an idiot #misogynist so people are quick to judge him rather than listen to him, it’s all the plan.
Trust me this man is telling you every bit of truth like he’s been paid to, the test is will you listen to it.

That’s a great #analysis Andrew Tate just did how the #government treat the rich and the broke

The flaw is assuming more #taxes equate to #money for the poor, it doesn't. The government spends taxes on #foreign rich people.

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