Episode 37 Crop Circles

6 months ago

Today's episode we enter the world of crop circles. We follow along with a video from the Why Files (linked below). We start off talking about the Arecibo Message sent in 1974 and then we go into the supposed Arecibo Answer crop circle in 2001 near the Chilbolton radio telescope. We have some fun speculating on what the implications would be, if real. We talk about another crop circle that had a message encoded in ASCII English and we speculate on what the message means. We talk about the sightings of orbs around crop circles. We show some videos that claim to be capturing crop circles being formed. We see that the crop circle phenomenon goes back in history. We spend some time talking about the features of "Authentic" and hoaxed crop circles and the weirds connections to intelligence agencies. We wrap up by giving out thoughts on the phenomenon and expressing our frustrations. Strap in for another fun ride!

0:00:00 - Intro

0:05:35 - Crop Circles Intro


0:09:23 - Arecibo Message


0:14:25 - WF Clip Arecibo

0:16:58 - Arecibo Answer

0:18:25 - Alien Telescope?

0:19:26 - Message in English

0:20:15 - Orbs, 25 Year Response, Gravity Cannon

0:31:03 - Music Break: TJ McNulty - Not Talkin'

0:34:18 - Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts

0:42:29 - Crop Circles Being Formed


0:45:10 - Crop Circle History

0:48:19 - Orbs & Crop Circles

0:51:05 - Crop Circle Formation?



0:54:31 - "Authentic" Crop Circles

0:59:19 - Hoax Circles

1:07:25 - Music Break: Stevie Nader - Make You


1:11:30 - Real vs Fake Circles

1:15:54 - Operation Blackbird

1:24:18 - Circlemakers.org


1:28:53 - British Intel/CIA Dis info


1:31:18 - Music Break

1:33:19 - Drew's Thoughts

1:41:38 - Dean's Frustration

1:57:05 - Outro

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