a full canon list of personal heroes of mine real and fictional

5 months ago

forgot to mention joseph (jesus stepdad also known in catholicism as "the terror of demons" for his role in raising jesus and taking mary under his wing when she had a kid that wasn't his)
didn't know who sobieski is until recently (winged hussar leader that saved vienna from the ottomans who would steal christian little boys and castrate them and force them to fight for muslims) but I've got a list of real and then fictional characters we can look up to in the west
churchill, charles martel/charlemagne, graf von galen, ,justin martyr, solzhenitsin (can't figure out his name but he wrote the gulag archipelago), the various priests in the soviet union and maoist china, doevstoesky, CS lewis, JRR tolkein, george orwell, ronald reagan, george washington, thomas jefferson, cicero, cincinnatus, jesus christ, saint paul, saint peter, moses, abraham, david hume, john locke, adam smith, the dalai lama, saint augustine, saint thomas aquinas, nick freitas, jordan peterson, donald trump, tommy robinson, william lyonel mackenzie king junior, martin luther, admiral nelson, marcus aurelius, aristotle, socrates, maybe not plato, the jewish prophets
just a few western heroes that repelled foreigners or watered the garden of righteousness and liberty and virtue all together that the western peoples can turn to
and fictional ones
there's aragorn and theoden, king arthur, saint patrick, maximus in gladiator, ransom (the ransom trilogy), luke skywalker, the entire fellowship of the ring really, aerendil, bilbo baggins, alyosha (the brothers karamazov I think), kirk, picard, sisco (star trek), odysseus somewhat, achilles to a lesser extent, 300's king leonidas minus the child killing, rorschach from watchmen, batman, superman, captain america, spiderman (older versions of the superheroes not woke modern crap)
oh and patton, eisenhower, and montgomery, john adams, charles spurgeon, william wilburforce, maybe benjamin disraeli? oh and another fictional hero robin hood, ogier the dane, king baldwin and the blacksmith in kingdom of heaven

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