Dr. Naomi Wolf: COVID Vaccines Are the Greatest Crime Against Humanity in Record History

4 months ago

09/02/2024 Dr. Naomi Wolf: The COVID vaccine is a longtime depopulation agenda proven by a published Pfizer document because it specifically focuses on destroying reproduction. They knew the lipid nanoparticles from vaccines could block women's ovaries, traverse the placenta, and cross the blood-brain barrier to risk women’s ovaries and fetuses’ lives.
#VaccineInjury #Miscarriage #Pfizer #DepopulationAgenda #DestroyReproduction
09/02/2024 纳奥米·沃尔夫博士:疫苗接种被已经公布的辉瑞文件证实是一个长期的人口灭绝计划,因为文件非常关注摧毁生育能力。辉瑞心知肚明疫苗中的纳米脂质材料可以阻塞女性卵巢,到达胎盘,穿过血脑屏障,并对女性的生育和婴儿的生命造成威胁。
#疫苗伤害 #流产 #辉瑞 #人口灭绝计划 #摧毁生育能力

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