Zombies – Starlink – Elon Musk & The Kingsman Connection

6 months ago

*Warning extreme graphic clips from a film called Kingsman: The Secret Service - content included for demonstration.

This will blow your mind, literally and figuratively.

In 1995, Dr. Pierre Gilbert, a French scientist warned us all about Liquid Crystal Nanoparticles – (likely inorganic crystal nanaoparticles), that these would be placed in Vaccines and that there would be a “Pandemic” in which these would be mandated.

These liquid crystal nanoparticles would allow one to use electromagnetic fields to remote control people and basically turn them into Zombies.

If you haven't seen the Kingsman, this will cover the relative bases. An interweb tech tycoon “Valentine = Elon Musk” gives free internet passes to everyone for his satellite network “Starlink.”

During this time all the elite fly to their bunkers and then use the satellites beaming death rays to wipe out the overpopulation.

To save the world from Global Warming.

This makes you question whether the fires in fires in Lahaina Hawaii were just a minor test run of the obliteration they plan.

Most are just oblivious that anything nefarious is even happening. They believe our Government deeply cares for them.

Predictive programming demonstrates what we are seeing today in relation to the warning by French scientist Dr Pierre Gilbert where he reveals that in the future liquid crystal nanoparticles will be used in conjunction with wireless frequencies to control humans, make them micro receivers of electromagnetic fields, to transmit / receive energy and effectively create mindless zombies.

Gilbert flat out said in 1995 that the “Bloodstreams of Mankind will be Contaminated creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws that will make Vaccination Mandatory. These Vaccines will make it possible to control people.

Take Rwanda for example. This will be enforced with mandatory injections. These injections will have everything one needs to install this control system. See this → Operation Crimson Mist – Rwanda Zombie Electronic (ELF) Genocide of 1994 -- https://rumble.com/v4a2ltz-operation-crimson-mist-rwanda-zombie-electronic-elf-genocide-of-1994.html

The crystals will be hosted in the brain cells.

The doctor has nailed exactly what we are dealing with today. It sounded absolutely NUTS back then.

How is it sounding today?

These are not microchips, but self-assembling nanoparticles – liquid crystal and black iron oxide magnetite.

There was a reason that magnets were sticking to peoples arms.

Hydroxychloroquine is said to have this in it also.

DARPA Hydrogel was found on the PCR tests by an independent lab in Slovakia. Hydrogel contains the “smart dust” – basically same sh*t as it contains biosensors.

“Darpa Hydrogel (reference) is an artificial substance that creates a converter between the electromagnetic signal and living cell, tissue and organ. Converts an electromagnetic signal from a transmitter to a signal which a living cell understands and responds to. (see photo of beetle – Darpa Hydrogel was injected into this nerve structures and was controllable via a radio)”

“Darpa Hydrogel and lithium block and destroy the pineal gland and cause the thinking person to become a controllable biorobot. A hydrogel is a carrier of an active substance, its task is to get the substance into the body at a pre-desired place.” *See Source #3 below.

Darpa Hydrogel is a key component, “these are actually nano-antennas”, to connect to 5G and allow the global elite to literally control people like robot beatles.

The NIH says that “Hyrdogel Particles” help improve detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. **LOL, such bullsh*t! These murdering f*ckers. *See Source #4 below.

There is a reason good ole Donald rolled out 5-G and had his Warp Speed at the same time.

5-G isn’t for internet or cell phones.

5G can transmit between 600 MHz (Megahertz) to 100 GHz (Gigahertz) – that is a lot of frequency.

You can do everything with frequency that you can do with drugs and you can cause any symptom from any disease and people will think it is a virus or some type of bug, when in fact they are being bombarded by controlled frequencies through their smart devices or direct from 5G death towers.

People think the military chose Trump to run this huge white hat operation.

Well, the military may have chosen him, but the top dawgs of the military are signed up to implement the Agenda, which includes depopulation.

Do people really think that Trump – the self proclaimed “Father of Vaccines” really didn’t know the plan?

Do people think that the Trump vaccine contained Hydroxychloroquine?

Although the Nuremberg Code is not even recognized and definitely not enforced – that would have been a violation in itself.

What about Elon Musk – the “Savior of Free Speech?”

My Twitter is still banned. The real truthers remain banned while those providing distraction and off base, off target material are allowed and have hundreds of thousands of followers.

Elon is the chosen one to usher in what they label the “Anti-Christ” and he is playing a role.

The fact that he calls his electric car company Tesla is a laughing joke. The technology was available in the early 1900’s and the real Tesla technology could be used to travel the stars. It’s a scam.

The only way Elon makes his real money is digging tunnels for the Government and building underground bunkers. All those other surface companies are for show, for distraction.

What about Elon’s Starlink Satellite System?

Is that for the people or is it for the Global Elite?

SIM Cards can be installed into smart devices to connect with the Starlink system and instruct specific frequencies / electromagnetic fields to be emitted.

The I-phone 12 now comes with Magnets.

Whenever the mainstream wants to give you something for free – you better think about the potential consequences. They wanted to give away free healthy jabs and now we are seeing the consequences (well, some of us know what’s going on).

WE are the Virus to the Global Elite. We are the threat. We are the “terrorists” to these insane lunatics.

The jabs, environmental toxins and electromagnetic radiation is the cure to the virus -- “We the People.”

I disagree with the Exhibit X about his view on Viruses not being alive – but really, that is a mute point in just of things here. The point is that we are perceived as the virus.

They label us as a threat as they call their vaccines “countermeasures.”

In this movie called the “Kingsman: The Secret Service” – it is a predictive programming film to let us know what they are doing behind the scenes.

There simply are too many people on the planet and to save the planet they have give humanity a huge haircut.

They are currently treating humanity as a toy, doing all these experiments with the nanaparticles to see how effectively they can remote control people.

Is it too late for humanity to do anything about this?

No. We just need to become conscious of it on a mass scale. We outnumber them.

Consciousness is Power – when everyone is aware, our true intentions of a better future can manifest.


1. Exhibit X -- https://www.bitchute.com/video/Y0isnddC1QJG

2. Operation Crimson Mist – Rwanda Zombie Electronic (ELF) Genocide of 1994 -- https://rumble.com/v4a2ltz-operation-crimson-mist-rwanda-zombie-electronic-elf-genocide-of-1994.html

3. From Slovakia Hospital – COVID PCR Tests Found to be Tool for Genocide By Edward Morgan - April 24, 2021 -- https://prepareforchange.net/2021/04/24/from-slovakia-hospital-covid-pcr-tests-found-to-be-tool-for-genocide/

4. Hydrogel particles improve detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from multiple sample types -- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33380736/

5. U.N. steps up immunization in Rwanda -- https://www.upi.com/Archives/1994/06/16/UN-steps-up-immunization-in-Rwanda/7649771739200/


PROTECT YOURSELF: Protect yourself, your children and loved ones from the harmful EMF from the newly installed 5G Towers. We are constantly being Bombarded by Harmful Radiation, being hit from all directions, every single day.

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Follow me on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/WakeUpWorld

Thank You!!

END. 9/4/2024 – 3:00 PM

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