Worship Service - 10:45 am September 1, 2024

6 months ago

This is a recording of the live streamed 10:45 am Sunday worship service at Cedar Park First United Methodist Church, 600 West Park St, Cedar Park, Texas on Setpember 1, 2024. Peter Castles is the senior pastor, Suzette Thorpe Johnson is the associate pastor and Ms. Audrey Wan is the pianist.

This video is a combination of two videos so a slight discontinuity may appear. There was a spontaneous reboot of the livestreaming computer at approximately 23:22. The livestream was immediately restarted as soon as the computer was up and operating again. We probably missed about 40 seconds of live action after the Psalm 34 response. Lisa made a nice recovery!

Peter Castles made the slides.
Marvin Borja ran the slides.
Todd Greer produced the audio and video.
David Gibbs ran the two cameras.

Duration: 00:59:34
Resolution: 720p30

Permission to reprint and stream the music in this service obtained from
ONE LICENSE, License #A-734424,
CCLI Copyright License No. 11549580, and
CCLI Streaming License No. 20284319.

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