Cop says he Released Double Murder Suspect because Illegals Cannot be Reported in Sanctuary Cities

1 month ago

See the viral video here:

A viral video circulating on social media has shed light on the extreme consequences of the Biden-Harris administration’s immigration policies, particularly in sanctuary cities. The video has sparked nationwide outrage by revealing a police officer’s shocking admission: a double homicide suspect is being allowed to walk free simply because he is an illegal immigrant.

The Gateway Pundit has not independently verified the date and location of the incident.

The video begins with a concerned citizen attempting to report a crime committed by an illegal immigrant, only to be met with alarming indifference from the responding officer. Instead of taking action, the officer explains that sanctuary city rules prevent him from reporting the suspect to ICE, even though the individual is illegal and has committed serious crimes, including a double homicide.

"He said he's already illegal," the citizen starts, only to be interrupted by the officer.

“Let’s back up a bit. First off, we’re a sanctuary city. Even if he’s illegal, we cannot call ICE on him,” the officer explains. The citizen, incredulous, asks, “But you still have to report that, right?”

“No, we don’t,” the officer replies bluntly. “Because it’s a sanctuary city, we do not report illegal, undocumented immigrants.”

The officer then admits that he has previously arrested a double homicide suspect and had to release him, all due to the sanctuary city policies championed by the Biden-Harris administration and their Democratic allies.

“So you’re going to let a person who committed a crime in America and who is illegal right now go free?” the citizen asks in disbelief.

“Absolutely, that’s exactly what I’m saying," the officer confirms. "I’ve arrested a double homicide suspect in this city before and let him walk out the door because we’re in a sanctuary city. We’re not going to call ICE to come pick up and deport him.”

The video paints a disturbing picture: a double homicide suspect freely walking the streets, all because the current administration prioritizes protecting illegal immigrants over the safety and security of American citizens.

In the video, the citizen voices his frustration, saying, “He came to pick up $320,000 from you, him, or my grandparents, and he’s walking away free right now, right?”

The officer’s response is chilling: “Absolutely, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

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