Matt Sharpham - Answers to 17 Questions - Thank you

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Questions and answers read out as written by Matt

Q1: What are your thoughts on Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) being considered for our region instead of upscaling coal-based energy or using other alternatives to meet our needs. Should energy subsidies be cancelled to allow market forces to determine the best energy methods? Do you agree CO2 in the atmosphere is currently at .04% (Reference: Prof Ian Plimer) which would mean the climate change narrative and actions are unnecessary?

A: I'm very against REZs - it limits investment by business as they won't know what sanctions etc can be put on them in the future. All renewable subsidies should be cancelled - it is the only way to show whether the industry can be self sustaining. Regarding Carbon - that's absolutely correct - and of the 0.04%, it's only a small percentage that humans are responsible for (and no matter what, we're going to be emitting something just to survive...). Interestingly, in Australia, just in our forestry, we capture 4 times the carbon we emit. Besides, carbon is needed for plants to grow, so I'm not sure why there's a sudden need to get rid of it. I mean, if there's a deficit, we all die.

Q2: What is your opinion about fluoride being added to the water supply. Do you believe new housing should have sufficient rainwater tanks to provide for normal household usage which also provides a means of avoiding fluoridation and irradiated water via SMART water meters.

A: I would drink rain water any day of the week. I have been on rain water since I was only 2 years old, and would recommend everyone do the same.

Q3: Are you concerned at the label that Tamworth has of being the “fattest city in Australia”? Many fast-food outlets have been approved for our region. What are your thoughts on making our community healthier?

A: Very, we now have 2 Oportos, 3 x KFC and 4 x McDonalds, while quality restaurants are closing. I'm not sure there's much council can do, but I would be in favour of steering investment to healthier options if there was a vote on the subject. No one can force a particular restaurant to open unfortunately, and healthier options have far lower profit margins, and the current governments are making business so difficult, I'm not sure what the answer is sorry.

Q4: Are you aware of TRC Blueprint 100; and how it ties in with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals which have been localised into 9 Focus Areas? Every ordinary council agenda item shows which focus area/s are being met under section (e) Delivery Programme Objective/Strategy. Do you believe it is appropriate TRC is aligning with international goals rather than creating local goals and guidelines? Also, do you think TRC should continue its $80000 yearly membership to Evocities when other councils have withdrawn?

A: This is a prime example of where TRC have lost sight of Roads Rates and Rubbish. Several of the existing councilors have said they're more that Roads Rates and Rubbish, but I would disagree. Going down these tracks are not only fruitless, but leaves us open to being dictated to by unelected bodies, and as a result, our roads suffer, kerbs and gutters get forgotten and the essential services that a council should be supplying are left by the waste side.

Q5: Blueprint 100 is promoted as a future plan created especially for Tamworth Region after extensive consultation with the local community. However, Blueprint 100 seems to be the exact same plan being rolled out in many LGAs, under different names, around Australia. The plans follow United Nations Agenda 2030, World Economic Forum, SMART 15 and 20 minute Cities control and surveillance concepts. Would you take action to exit the Tamworth region from these international, unelected, non government organisation arrangements?

A: Yes. TRC should focus on it's ratepayers and residents. The example of Coffs Harbour signing up to the 15 minute city program should be seen as an epic disaster and TRC should make sure it does not follow suit.

Q6: Would you permit government libraries in our region to host Drag Queen Story hours? TRC Councillors and senior staff have previously been provided with proof the United Nations, World Economic Forum and World Health Organisations are actively promoting the sexualization of children through school programmes and are endeavouring to implement laws to decriminalise paedophilia. No action was taken after receiving this information. What action would you take with this information once proven to you?

A: Regarding Drag Queen Story Hour - Unequivocally no. There is no place for that sort of behaviour in front of children. I would oppose any such programs being run in our local community on behalf of TRC, however inside the schools, I'm not sure what power the councilor would have - on saying that, I don't think there'd be too many parents would see to this lightly.

Q7: Should a land or business developer be precluded from running for Council due to conflict of interest risk? If allowed to run, how could this risk be mitigated?

A: Yes, there should be no developer running for council. I think this would be different to someone who had a parcel of land they wanted developed, but there should be some form of limits to be a one off.

Q8: Should a member of a society or group, which requires the member to swear an oath to that society above all else, be precluded from running for Council due to conflict of loyalty between the society and the electorate.

A: I'm not sure what this question is asking sorry. A councilor is voted by the constituents of the electorate and should only ever be loyal to them when it comes to council issues.

Q9: Do you believe Councillors should be limited to serving only one or two terms? Once Councillors have left this role, should there be restrictions on migrating to other positions where they may enjoy undue influence or enjoy incidental benefits because of their previous Councillor role?

A: No, I don't think there should be a limit - at the end of the day, if the residents are willing to vote for someone, then it's entirely up to them.

Q10: Would you vote in the affirmative on the motion that has been put forward to Council twice previously; if it was presented again? The motion: That Council develop a framework and smart device/laptop application that records and publicises interactions between developers, builders and their agents and senior council staff and councillors to provide clarity of decision making, transparency and accountability to ratepayers and residents.

A: Yes I would vote affirmative to this.

Q11: The top seven bureaucrats at TRC annual packages total in the vicinity of $1.8 million which includes around $378000 for the GM/CEO alone. Would you request a review into the necessity of some of these roles and the remunerations provided?

A: I think it's less about the amount and more about the performance. I don't have any issue paying someone $378000 or even more, if they're doing a good job. I can't say we're getting much value for money at the moment - a performance review is definitely required.

Q12: Do you know whether it is correct that TRC GM/CEO performance review for continuation of contract is carried out by two councillors chosen by the GM/CEO. If that is the case, would you instigate or support a motion for that to be amended to being carried out by at least three randomly chosen councillors?

A: 100% yes. It should not be done by someone chosen by the GM.

Q13: Do you think all council/councillor expenses need to be published in open forum so they can be scrutinised, queried and challenged by the community, if necessary? Should all Council projects and their progress, along with related spending and loan details, be available for the public to peruse in an easy to follow format on Council’s website? In this vein, do you support a complete and independent enquiry into the status of the Ray Walsh House building; and an audit of all previous decisions which have led to its current situation?

A: There's a lot in this question. Councilors are not paid well, they don't get many expenses, and when they do, believe me they are far from excessive. I believe there is a breakdown in the general report, but to pick to pieces every line item would be a fruitless exercise. It's like picking pennies when the pounds are being wasted. I think some form of ongoing communication regarding projects would be helpful, but without knowing what the question is really asking I think with my lack of knowledge over the issues, I can't really comment. But I do think it would help with transparency if this information was more readily available.

I personally think RWH needs to be remediated at least to the staffing capacity as soon as possible - if an enquiry was to be called this early, it could slow things up even further. I do support an enquiry, but not at the expense of getting it back up and running - at least partially to get the staff back in. Step 1 - fix it up, step 2 - call for an enquiry.

Q14: Do you think there should be plebiscites or similar to obtain consent from ratepayers for rate rises and major projects prior to seeking grants or allocating funds? If yes, what would be the minimum project expenditure amount you would recommend be included?

A: No, it should be the job of the councilor to do their due diligence in getting educated around the project, consult with staff around council of any issues arising or benefits etc, consult with the community (particularly those who voted for them) and make a decision based on all those items.

Q15: Do you believe the $45 million aquatic centre should go ahead? Do you know where the funds are coming from and what is being provided as security? If the approval was rescinded would you recommend sufficient funds be applied to repairing existing town pools to an acceptable standard?

A: This one makes my head spin. First we're told the council is out of money, then they approve a loan of $30M so they don't lose $15M. I think this was short sighted and at the meeting it was just an act.

Q16: Would you be able to confirm the veracity of information that the building on the corner of Bridge and Carter Streets is being used to store Council furniture and other assets; and that staff are being invited to gift any of these items to themselves? As an elected councillor, what steps would you introduce to help safeguard the people’s assets?

A: I am not aware of any of this, but staff should not be gifted any public assets without express permission. All of these should go through some form of auction and ensure at least some value is returned to the rate payers - otherwise sell it through the tip shop (if it still exists...)

Q17: As Councillors are there to serve the people and not dictate to the people, it would be very helpful if speakers were able to ask questions of Councillors at Council meetings. Would you consider it appropriate for community speakers to be able to ask up to three questions about their topic to any councillor of their choice during the meeting?

A: I'm not sure this would be overly fruitful - I think a different forum for this would be better. The council meeting is run under strict rules set out, and although I can understand the frustration when sitting in the gallery (I've attended quite a few), it's more of a parliamentary sitting than a community meeting - therefore it's not appropriate for a member of public to interject or have a Q&A session. I realise it's not a popular response, but do believe there should be a time and place, and getting in touch with a particular councilor and speaking in person would be the better option.

I'm happy to discuss these further - I'm not one to dwell on a response, so I hope these give you a picture of who I am, and ultimately help you make a good decision on who to vote for in the upcoming local elections.

Thanks again for the opportunity, and if you need to, feel free to get in touch. Matt


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