Mars Cafe #26: "Schrodinger's Chat"

6 months ago

This cartoon show is for "stupid" people, just like how "Big Bang Theory Show" is allegedly for "smart" people! Are you in the right auditorium? if you're a fan of intense conversations, like in the show "The Conversation" (with Gene Hackman), or like in the show "The Passion Of The Jesus" (with Brady O'Dwyer), then this episode is sure to make your doo-dad glad! Vast and unrelenting political intrigue! A real pot-boiler--and one you can chat about at the water-cooler or the kettle-cupboard! To say anything at all would only dampen the intensity of the surprise! Two main characters must engage in word-battles with their enemies! To give a "Fluffy Tube"-style hint, let's just say that "Ferriff Mill" receives a world-shattering phone-call from "Goran Gargovic" regarding "Flon Flermerpermer"! Wow! #marscafe #yearsformonths #pulptarot #aircommand #triangle #ham #wiretap #piggyback See you at bookstore in exactly 19 months and 47 hours!
Based on the graphic novel “THE MARS CAFE: 300 OF THIS” by Sean Simmans. Available at

THE MARS CAFE is (c) 2005-2024 by Sean Simmans, all rights reserved.

Original score, including INTRO, BILL'S THEME, EMORY'S THEME, and OUTRO written and performed by Kelly Taylor.

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